Pedagogy Philosophy

The problem-posing method of teaching is simply asking “why?” This creates dialogue and communication as well as formulates critical and analytical thinking. This practice of conversation is suited to the social sciences, where creativity and the sociological imagination can be utilized to bridge theory and empirical data into the lived experiences of those engaging in the material. 

Courses Taught

  • Associate Professor, Hunter College-CUNY: (Fall 2022-Present)

    SOC 217 - Race & Ethnic Relations

    SOC 320 - Law, Society, & Civil Rights

    SOC 470 - Capstone

    HONS 2012J - Race, Riots, Rebellion

  • Assistant Professor, Hunter College-CUNY: (Fall 2016-Spring 2022)
    SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

    SOC 217 - Race & Ethnic Relations

    SOC 223 - Contemporary Social Theory

    SOC 320 - Law, Society, & Civil Rights

    SOC 3251P - Criminal Justice & Public Policy

  • Assistant Professor, Montclair State University: (Fall 2014-Spring 2016)

    JUST 101 - Criminology

    JUST 200 - Perspectives on Justice I

    JUST 300 - Research Methods

    JUST 398- Prisoner Reentry

    JUST 401 - Social Justice & Family Policy

  • Adjunct Lecturer, City College-CUNY (Fall 2010-Fall 2013)

    FIQWS - Work & Family

    SOC 317 - Work & Family

    SOC 317 - Health, Race, & Power (Special Topic)

  • Adjunct Lecturer, Hunter College-CUNY (Fall 2010-Summer 2016)

    SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

    SOC 217 - Race & Ethnic Relations

    SOC 223 - Current Social Theory

    SOC 319 - Criminology

    SOC 320 - Law, Society, & Civil Rights

    AFPRL 100 - Introduction to Black Thought

  • Adjunct Lecturer, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY: (Spring 2010-Summer 2016)

    SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

    SOC 202 - Sociology of Families

    SOC 203 - Criminology

    SOC 213 - Race & Ethnic Relations

    SOC 240 - Social Deviance

    SOC 305 - The Sociology of Law